The annual post for the last day of 2005 and this post; well i hope this post will be a blast and a summarised for what ive done for this whole of 365 days. The negative part of me would say "2005 sucks big tyme" But somehow the gd side of me will say " least i got her" Well gona face another 403.5 workings days in the SAF as a storeman. (amazing eh how i really calculated my working days excluding saturday and sunday....) So 403.5 it will be. Bleargh....after every 100 days,i will celebrate;sort of....
Sometimes when im really bored infront of the computer n i got nothing much to type and when this part come,i be bitching like-nobody business bout the certain bad factor of the goverment of Singapore. Well maybe not today then. Be typing and bitching bout something else i guess. Its my blog anyway and i type any shits dat is interesting and hope it will invite all u shitty macaroni-dip-arse ppl to haf fun reading....haha...
So tell me, do u considered urself to be one of those Singaporean Stereo type citizen?? If so,bad for you cos im gonna fuck u up real gd in this post. (bear in mind the word "stereo") Since the day our country being influence in the fast trending nation and incomparable hi-tech stuff selling fast in our homeland (homeland?!? bleargh),our young citizens or shd i say our damn Singaporean teenagers are becoming more selfish and rude in many ways of life. Mayb they r too young,i wuz young and gullible once,but at this fast going rate of high education and "Kind" propaganda,one wld expect such ppl and attitude wld be diminished. But no..its becoming worst. And the worst is yet to come....
BAck then in ITE,on my way to sch inside the bus,sitting, Saw this pregnant lady boarding the bus. And since my bus is a bus destination to Tamp ITE and Temasek Poly,most of the passengers are students my age. Everybody around her wuz like doing their own damn business. Listening MP3, reading textbook (cmon,exam still far lah idiot), look blindly outside the window and even some of them just blabbered non-stop wif their frens...ignoring that lady. Me?? well i wuz all the way back of the seat of the bus. Bus crowded,she infront...takkan nak pekik dari belakang kan, " got seat..come quick" while wavering my hand non-stop. (dat be a sight) But nvr do that...sakit hati rasa tau when i saw such scenario. The burden wuz lifted up as soon as this fine old unlce (mid 40s) gave his seat to her. Man....that wuz our future generation of Singaporean. Bahh...fuck it lah...
Here is another Scenario, those typical ask-for-donation charity kind of thingy. Well kesian eh dia org,walk ard town,up and down,here and there ask for donation. Orchard Road and when one speak about Orchard Road this is where our national youngster be spending their time on weekend. This volunteer pulak,sanggup sacrifices their time,instead of enjoying they are working for charity. Cld it be for some Red Cross Charity, Yellow Ribbon or so and so but stil sacrifice they have. And our stereotype teenagers wld like walk past them and act mcm takde nuting happen.... my gawd...wat a sight. However those who donated wld be those married dude or some well off person concerning bout them. Me?? Well, at this time i wld like take my wallet out and see if got $$$...biasalah,since im a bloody NSF,my pay wuz like $1.70 per hours. (amazing eh,i calculate dat too) Klau got money...more than $2 i wld donate like a dollar at least. If no money,less than $2 in my pocket,i wld just take a 20cent or any coins yg ade and give em. Better give than neber rite? Rite!!! and klau betol2 takde duit kan...i wld just be like.... "why am i here in e 1st place at Orchard if i got no $$$" So usually got money lah....
And my point is,what make our young singaporean becoming so selfish and hungry for $$$, pride and self-respect??? Is it the goverment in which always make us kluarkan duit? (i tink so..for me lah....) or is it the way they have been brought up?? or mayb they havent really see the bigger picture in which everyone fits in where we want. If it is truly the goverment,we shd make them listen. The goverment will ignore one mouth and sue that guy,but if there is many mouth what can they do? (most to most Riot Squad ah dia org panggil..sial nye olang) If is truly their parents,too bad one teach their bloody parents parent. Too bad lah,maybe their lifestyle were cultivated at home wif such attitude til they bring it to the outside world. Well that is so the Negativity!!!
Sometimes the sight just hurt. Hurt deep but never bring a scar to me. Im a strong man sumhow. I control my life and wont never let fate control it. I remember this saying from a book; "Dun ask what the leader can do for u,but what u can do for the leader" Well it is sumhow a good give morale up nye phrase. But if u apply this to our SIngaporean...well it wont fit. I never say i hate the Goverment,i just hate the System of our country. That is 2 diff thing. Now u see my point??
See How the ruling and system of the goverment control the life of our young Stereotype citizen? Everything counts in this world and nuting is free u noe. Causes and Effects. We turn out to be selfish and all the bad negativity exists in us. Better called our self Sin-gapore. As in country of Sinners
So seriously,how is 2005? Well seriously comment. Just lead and follow the life in my shoe and u understand. Im a Mat once,im a punk once,im a gangster once,im a heart breaker once. Ive been there, done that and stil im so naive at some things and stuff. Our phase of learning as a human being is neverending. (quote from the Quran) K lah, ppl wana go now...see u nxt year and happy living the new years eve and the celebration. Wana mit my deary at work.
Remember,be happy of who u are and what u have. Ur life is determined by you,not some stupid upper power.
-Logging off-Sir Azmi-
data entered at 5:50 AM .
{Friday, December 23, 2005.Project PromisingCountry???}
23rd December 2005
Few more days to 2006 which means 1 year and 6 more months left to survive a boring Army Life. Back in ITE ,always thought dat i cld have a bright and exciting army life. Thought dat i could be a fighting fit infantry or some guardsman serving the SAF wth pride. Well dat only happened during BMT...... No matter how fit u are or how smart ur common sense is, the SAF nowadays rely on better qualification of urs. So if u wan a high chance of getting into Combat Vocation, u haf to have a qualification of Diploma or above. Only a few lucky peepz who is N, O level, ITE grad has the oppurnities to experienced Combat Voc. Sumore,they look at ur skin and race more biase can the SAF be??? This truly change my perspective view of the army. Army Sucks..truly it is!!!! SAF = Serve And FuckOFF!!!
Read some news polls on the Internet regarding the Politics and the Managing Goverment of Singapore. This polls were given out to Singaporean who stayed Overseas. After reviewing those votes and so,many of them hate the Singapore System. Basically everything from the laws (well Singapore law is more strict than those around the world. Fact), ruling, Parliament Board and even the Military issue which i wld say is kinda sucky to the brim of of my fuck-this-shit-whore-house country.
If i got the money,i wld haf stayed Overseas and be a PR of dat country. Lets say the States, where everyone is open minded and friendly. Not like Singapore....we are paid to be friendly. Not being friendly from the heart and dat is a big No No. Or better, Malaysia, sebelah je. Thou they have poor goverment bodies, they are now recuperating and slowly improving. Sumore the govt treat everyone equally. Not like SIngapore..... the indirectly hidden racist agenda in this country. We Singaporean say, Unity, Racial Harmony, Racial Commitment and the list to promote racial among us. Well it works but only work there and die there till theres another campaign of racial harmony to remind SIngapore again and again. If u still in doubt, just read the Classified Ads on JOb recruit. It says alot about the hidden agenda of races. One read a Job class ad and u will always find this common phrase. "Able to Speak Fluent English Or Mandarin" "Mandarin speaking background is a must" So wats up wif all that shit if job that they post in the newspaper only want chinese and those mandarin ppl??? Well i dont wana pursue on this racial thing further. Wait the govt found out bout my blog and charge me. Ckit ckit mau charge..ckit ckit mau charge..... dats how the Singapore Govt is lah.... So bloody weird Country.
U guys know that DJ X'Ho from Lush Radio Station. He is one of those rebel singaporean who hate the System. He had a damn Master Degree in Socialogy and yet he prefer to pursue his dream as a DJ and a promising punk artist. He has left his mark and i truly respect that. Rebel wif a cause.....
Well if i haf the chance and the money and the talent.... i would leave this country for a while and go exploring and discover other country out there. Like Tibet, France, India, England and the States of course.
ANyway think positive and happy and i will survive in this stereotical money minded country. Last nite went out to mit Lizzy pat her workplace after finishing my Bike Prac. Well i think this is the fastest Prac rather than back in CDC. SSDC now and 3 weeks and now im oreadi in Prac 3. Oh well..pelan2 kayuh..tapin nie part kena lincah ckit cos my Lizzy dah pass her Class 2B. Now she got Class 3 and Class 2B. Me??? well im useless at this point cos i aint got nothing yet. As long i have her heart and trust,its already enuff. Cos all this is priceless and happen once in ur life. Tapi...still haf to lincah2 pass my Class 2B. Phew...aim before April!!
Ah lizzy cos she haf to stay back late cos of some Air-Con maintenance down at her STarbUcks there. STay and lepak ard wif her colleague til ard 3am where we left off. To Woodland that is. The 1st tyme i go hang out at her area and i make a bad impression....hehe.... Fall asleep way to early,and rasa serba salah cos she haf to stay up all alone and hear me snore. Sorry eh Lizz...Seriously so the sorry. She got sumting to tell me dat nite and i fell asleep. Can somebody punch me now??? I deserved it....
AnywaY Liz, dun tink too much k. Peace Ouch my dear! See you later or maybe tomorow...wana go buy drug now. -End Journal-
data entered at 4:06 AM .
{Sunday, December 18, 2005.Project CrampNation}
18th December 2005
To Lizzy, now u have known how i felt towards you. Although u may take time to think bout e sms msg i pass to you,just know this. What me said is true. Mayb i sucks at doing action but i will make adjustment to my self and change ur perspective point of view towards love. Be attentive,dat i will start wif. Have faith and believe. Forget the bad past and start anew. And if u ever had a shoulder to cry on,i be there wif u. Dun u cried alone....ever again.....
-Ur Knight in Rusty Armor- Sir Azmi
data entered at 12:46 AM .
{Thursday, December 15, 2005.Project Best-eh-this-Life}
15th December 2005
Btw Liz,macam mane azmi tak miss liz when dah almost 4 hari..5? tak berjumpa. AnywAy gona meet her tonite (insya'allah klau masih ada tenaga after my KB training) and mayb a Mocha Ramba wif dat would certainly make my day.
Now for some pictures...dah lama tak post gmbr....... Dats me and Aliza (aka Abg Ali)...dats wat i used to called her back then in ma ITE day. (Year One) We were once fren...but now....haiz....i would just look at my "mcm the typical mat nye looks" back then and u beside me and compared to now....i wld just smiled. (tersengeh-sengeh...hehe) Me and Liz ku..... Now dats us rite now...any difference?? Yeah Big difference than the day back in school then. Nie part lah aku bukak lagu NickelBack Photograph Kuat2 pat PC aku.... (ignoring my screaming mother where she ask me to keep it low.....) eh this life? Yeah keep it real and gonna love her and this world wont be so bad afterall after what ive did to many ppl. Good things (i did less...) bad things (smpai tak dpt kira cishh....) Changes that change me...You and the Army. Hehe. K lah...nak go outz training...well Liz if u reading this...just wana say, i never care so much about u before back then. Now....well...things change..... =)
Signing off Journal.... -Sir Azmi-
data entered at 5:16 AM .
{Sunday, December 11, 2005.Project I-Like-e-way-u mOve}
11th December 2005
If someday,someone ask me a question that goes like this, "So azmi,hows ur life being goin on rite now?" The usual question would go something like, "Macam semalam jugak,the same old shits!!" or "biasa,nuting good ever happens to me nowadays.....bahhh" but since that day i declare....u r my happiness....
"Well,life's good and im looking forward for every single precious moment and time to spend wif ma loved one. She wld be joy,my happiness,my cheerful moment and the list go on. You too have to appreciate lil things in life u noe" Dat is wat my answer will be...when this question come along.....
10th December was a blast anyway. Even thou i missed Zoukout-05. Between an event that is organised Once a year and you which i enjoy every single moment wif ,i choose u. There is always another Zoukout year to go to...but nothing will be much better when im wif you. Well yeah,so hows my 10th December???
Morning till the next morning. Its like almoz the whole day we went out. But those nite wif u,holding u,cherish u (okay..this line sounds kinky...hehe) aint a waste afterall. It aint a waste even if i haf to sacrifices my enjoyment time and be wit u. If i haf being wif u much earlier than that,u wld nvr haf done that stupid things u did. But hey,i wont blame ya....i accept u of who u are and not judging u by ur past mistakes. We all do make mistakes rite? RIGHT!!! and ive learn that during my zaman mat2.... judging ppl is not a very good act. U haf to understand the person inside...i wld like to do that wif u. To understand u and to love u.
U once said. Lets start a new chpater from now on.... But for me,i would life to start a new life wif u frm now on. Haiz...wat a life....
-To Lizzy- -Ur Knight in Rusty Armor (Geezz..makin berat pulak armor karat ku ni...wateva lah...)
data entered at 2:30 AM .
{Thursday, December 08, 2005.Project How ah??}
8th December 2005
Life seems simpler everytime i see u or just hear ur voice. Relationship is so full of question ey? and those many many question mark...but somehow an answer to all that can be found when we r open more to each other rite? Right!!! Thanks lizzy for telling me bout ur past.